Early in 2021, after seemingly endless months of near solitude, I got together with a bunch of friends for the first time after receiving my vaccine. We enjoyed the cool, early Spring air over hot dogs and hamburgers, then the host, Darnell, brought out a rum he recently bought. It wasn't one I was familiar with, but I enjoyed the gesture and we continued to catch up, sipping the rum as we went. I had brought a bottle I bought on the way out to Darnell's house– Rum Fire, a hyped-up overproof rum released by Jamaican distillery Hampden Estate.

Between the two bottles, we had a great night conversing and watching a number of Bellator fights. By the end of the night, we decided to call ourselves a Rum Club, as we all shared an affinity for the declicious spirit.

A few months later in the closing weeks of Spring, the group– plus a few of our other friends– recovened at our friend David's house; this time, for a more proper rum tasting. I brought a number of bottles I had, while Darnell brought what I believe is his favorite bottle now: Hampden Estate's 8 year-aged expression. We tasted each one, and had fun discussions about the notes, different styles, and what cocktails these would (or wouldn't) be good to use in.

Once again, this gathering was centered around friendship, community, and of course… rum! And later, it was with these concepts in mind that lead me to want to start a group dedicated to friendship, community, and the rum category, based right here in Memphis, Tennessee, a city not quite known for exceptional rum offerings or tiki bars.

The purpose of the Memphis Rum Club is to be an advocate for the rum category in this city, partner with liquor reps and stores to bring promotional/happy hour events around town, and help celebrate new and exciting releases coming to Memphis.

My initial vision for for this site is for it to be a place where I post reviews, guides, and other thoughts to help guide others on their rum journey. Where it goes from there… who knows! In the meantime, @memphis.rum.club on Instagram is where I typically spend my time and post cool/new rums and rum news; give us a follow and stay up to speed on where the Club goes.

I hope you'll join me in building this community, and advancing the profile of rum throughout Memphis and beyond!

Geoff Davis
Founder, Memphis Rum Club